To understand red light therapy, it may be helpful to review the basics of “Light” itself and where the spectrum of colors come in.
From the beginning of time, our nervous systems have been nourished and stimulated by ‘the Light’. In fact, research has shown that the beginning of each our lives was initiated by spark of light that was generated the moment a human sperm cell made contact with an egg that grew into you. How cool is that!
Simply put, literally speaking, life as we know it exists because of light, more specifically, sunlight. Light initiates a spark of life to whatever it touches. The healing properties of light have been used for eons of time and in many cultures worshiped. The earliest references to the therapeutic use of light is referenced in modern scientific literature was in the book written in 1796 by Dr. Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland titled, “Macrobiotics: The Art of Prolonging Life”. Dr. Hufeland’s focus was on a diet of natural and mostly vegetarian foods. Basically, food ‘is’ life. Nobel Prize winner and the scientist who discovered Vitamin C Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, was very aware of the effect light and color has on life force. From his life's work, he came to the conclusion that “all energy which we take into our bodies is derived from the sun”.
In concert with that spark of life comes color. Color is created and defined by the wavelengths of light. Colors are determined by the wavelengths or nanometers (nm) of the light. For example, Bees see approximately 300 to 650 nanometers of the light spectrum. Our visible light spectrum is between 400 and 700 nm. Eagles can see ultraviolet light, which gives them superpowers when it comes to visual acuity. Ultraviolet light is a shorter wavelength (1-400 nm). As the wavelength of light increases, from 400 to 700, our visible light changes from violet to indigo to blue, then green, to yellow, then orange and finally to ‘red’. You can now see where the colors of the rainbow arrange themselves, by wavelengths. When you hear someone say “eat the colors of the rainbow” you can understand that they are really saying eat the colors of the light spectrum that we can see! I wonder what color a snickers bar is on the light spectrum….. food for thought.
It is helpful to ‘see’ a graph showing visible light. Check out this graph:
Near the turn of the century, light therapies were being developed throughout the United States and Europe, leading a transition in the type of light used for therapeutic uses from the use of direct sunlight to the use of filtered sunlight and artificial light. These early applications of light were used for the medical treatment of various skin diseases, ulcers, syphilis, lupus, pellagra, wound healing, and tuberculosis to name a few. We will talk more about the specific development of Red Light Therapy in another blog.
Red Light Therapy (RLT) also known as photobiomodulation (PBM). Red light therapy is a type of Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for various medical, dental, and cosmetic conditions in humans as well as animals and on plants to increase photosynthesis.
A red-light therapy device sends low-intensity red and near-infrared light deep into the body’s cells to promote healing. Red light therapy is noninvasive, painless, and does not use heat and can be used at home.
According to the available research, red light therapy uses light in the red or near-infrared region because this wavelength range is the best at getting through tissue. Sneak a peek at the graph above. Notice where the blue light is on the graph. Blue light has a shorter wave with wave lengths between 450 and 495 nanometers. The red-light wave lengths on the visible light spectrum are longer that blue light and are between 620 and 750 nanometers. It is also more easily absorbed by the parts of cells that capture light energy. As you increase the wavelength of light, you increase the depth the light will penetrate the targeted area of the body. Remember, that a nanometer is a unit of measurement for the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation and is equivalent to on billionth of a meter. Whether a nanometer of light it is being directed to go deep into our tissues to facilitate healing or if it is traversing its way through the universe, a little light can go along way.
Thanks for taking the time to read this info-blog. I hope you feel enlightened, yes, the pun was intended. PS: remember to, “Eat the Rainbow” whenever you can so you can let your light shine!
If you are interested in experiencing the multiple healing benefits of red light, simply click here to learn more.
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